Service Detail
Lintasarta Data Center is a solution to establish Data Center complete with the infrastructure support. This end-to-end service enables your business to expand its data storage with low-cost expenses. Lintasarta Data Center is supported by four integrated locations in Jakarta City Center, Technopark BSD, CGK3 TB Simatupang, and CGK4 Jatiluhur. Our data center is certified and complies with local and international regulations to guarantee that your business data storage is safe.
Service Detail
Service Features
- One Stop Solution allows you to purchase bundling packages with reliable network infrastructure services: MPLS, Internet, Fiber Optic and VSAT.
- Network management system to monitor network quality and performance.
- Help Desk is available for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Service Room for provisioning and configuring equipment in the computer room.
- Caged area to place the server.
- Network Operation Control to monitor data center operation for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
- Meet Me Room, yang merupakan ruangan netral yang dapat dilalui oleh provider lain.
Certified with Tier 3 Standard
Comply with Tier 3 Standard
Certified with Tier 3 Standard
Certified with Tier 3 Standard
Each data center is supported by a stable power supply, protection against fire, environment control, security emergency exits, and precision air conditioning to maintain a stable and comfortable room temperature, natural airflow, and humidity level. Our facilities operate 24 hours a day and each data center is strictly secured using Access Control Biometric technology, CCTV and trained security personnel.
Facility services that provide and rent space to place your servers and devices. Our Collocation service also include comprehensive features.
Service Features

Working Area

Meet Me Room

Smart Hand